August 2019

courtesy of 

Diamond Visionics
An Auxiliary Member
of the
IMAGE Society


Diamond Visionics GenesisIG Launches to the Moon

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing, Diamond Visionics is excited to play a part in the race back to the moon! Diamond Visionics has developed and delivered GenesisIG-Lunar to multiple Space companies such as Draper Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center among others. The GenesisLunar software gives organizations the ability to extend beyond earth to the moon for a high fidelity Lunar landing simulation based on a realistic 3D model of the lunar surface. Since GenesisIG-Lunar is based on GenesisRTX, realistic immersive 3D scenes that include run-time shadows, reflections and dust can be rendered during runtime directly from source imagery, elevation, and feature data. This scene, showing astronauts exploring the moon surface and some of the 25+ boulder and rock variations we currently offer, includes newly added shader effects for accurate, real-time rendering of unique moon lighting characteristics. From the earth's ocean floor to outer space, Diamond Visionics GenesisIG has no visual limits and continues to seek new destinations...what is next?
For more information contact:

Daniel Peters
Sales Manager
Diamond Visionics
400 Plaza Dr., Suite A
Vestal, NY  13850
Tel: 1-412-999-8399

Instructions to Submit your JPEG/GIF file for Image of the Month

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The IMAGE Society, Inc.
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